
Well, here we are in new digs. Welcome, friends!

Take a look around, join the forum, sign up for the spectacular newsletter!

Happy New Year and more to come . . !



  1. Dorothy Christenson says:

    I so enjoy your books . Especially the time travel stories with the MacCleods and dePiaget’s !! And especially as they’re something I can re read :)
    Love the new site

  2. Tina Marie says:

    I AM IN LOVE with this site! First thing I saw was “Artane,” and I was hooked. Some of your fans and I have a little presentation we’d like to email you, if possible. Would you take a look at it? :)

  3. Karen Day says:

    Lovely!! Thanks for another wonderful story, AND for giving me a place to write you without using social media! Thanks again for sharing your brilliance with us.

  4. Heidi Holland says:

    Is there going to be a Nine Kingdoms book soon?

  5. Iva Albrecht says:

    I have been a fan for a long time. Sometimes life throws curve balls at us and at the time the only thing that we can think of is “how?”. How do I get through this? I am so happy to hear that you “got through it” and are now on the other side. I look forward to many more of your stories. May the New Year bring you health, happiness and well-being.

    Your friend,
    Iva Albrecht:)

  6. Terrie P. says:

    Hi Lynn,

    I absolutely love that your Nine Kingdoms books are romantic and clean!! A hard combination to find these days! Thank You so much!!

    I’ve been waiting patiently for a new book in the series…..and I’m still waiting!!! It is January (2016) and that is about the right time…right??! Will there be another addition to the series? In the “FAQ’S” it says YES!

    There are so many possibilities….

    Have an Awesome day!

  7. Oz Dillon says:

    My wife handed me Stardust of Yesterday to read while I was recovering from surgery, a few years ago, and (while grumping in a manly way about women books), proceded to devour the 5 you had out at that time. Have been an ardent follower since then… but you didnt hear that from my manly self ;-D

  8. MsElle3 says:

    Beautiful new site. Congratulations.

  9. Ellen mc manus says:

    Just dropping by to see what’s new. Love every single book and can hardly wait for a new one. Love Visiting and re-visiting the de Piaget family throughout the years. Some times they are younger, sometimes older . I take them any way!!

  10. Betsy Lee Maki says:

    looking great

  11. Kelly says:

    I love all your books including the 9 Kingdoms. Can’t wait for the new one.

  12. Patricia Skells says:

    When is your next book about the Macleods or De Piagets coming out? I devour your novels and just finished your last one!

    • LynnK says:

      Patricia, Ever My Love is the next MacLeod story. I think the release is April 2017, but I’ll get details out when I have them.

  13. Alegria Atencio says:

    I love all your books! Do you have more stories about the MacLeods & De Piagets?

  14. Robin says:

    Hi, just wanted to say the new site is great, I love all your books and hope to read them for years to come! Great writing! :)

  15. AnneW says:


    I really enjoy your Nine Kingdoms trilogies. I’m wondering if you are considering writing Sosar’s story about how he recovers his magic and, perhaps, meeting his love; and, also a story of Soilleir meeting “a woman daft enough to wed” him.

    Have a good day.

    • LynnK says:

      Yes to both, but Soilleir will definitely be down the road. I can’t quite get him to commit to anything yet. :)

  16. Nan Dee says:

    You really should have your books printed on special archival paper – I re-read the entire set of The dePiaget/MacLeod series at least once each year; last year was particularly hard, so I read all the books 3 times each. My family background is Scots, Irish, English, Dutch and French from at least 106 BC. And yes, sometimes I can see the family stories my great-great aunt started to tell me about our ancestors who were always “royals”. It took me another 65 years to find out she had been telling the truth! So in your books, I can relive so much of her stories through yours. Of course, many of the early books are now read one page at a time – they are falling apart, but I am not giving any of them up. I will start rereading them again in July – I had just finished the 3rd go-thru just before Christmas 2015! Thank you for so much joy, and the warm feeling of a conversation with a dear friend as I read each story for probably the 40th time…and the story is as breathtaking now as it was the first time.

    • LynnK says:

      Nan, you made my year with your post. I loved hearing about your gg-aunt! I love characters who feel like old friends, too. I’m genuinely touched that your books are falling apart. I have to admit that most of the time, I’m convinced these characters live in some parallel universe and I’m just jotting down their real stories for our own enjoyment. :)

  17. Irene says:

    Is Artane a real castle, it looks like a photo? Where is it really?

    • LynnK says:

      Artane is the fictional home of the de Piaget family. It may or may not look a great deal like Bamburgh Castle. :)

      • Hollie says:

        I live in the UK at the moment and just added Bumburgh castle on the bucket list, however I will secretly be calling it Artane and looking for some blonde twins hiding in corners. :) Love all the books!! Kendricks story literally just broke because the binding had given way from so much reading. :)

  18. Mark McKinnon says:

    I’ve not yet read any of your offerings. However, It now seems inevitable, as my great-grandfather was the product of the union of the McLeods and McKinnons, and one finds the name MacDougall listed among the ancestors, as well. I am most curious to learn if these name hold any significance in your family history. I will read the books…I simply want to gauge the extent of my expectations. Thanks

    • LynnK says:

      Mark, I hope you’ll enjoy and that the romance won’t be too much. :) Genealogy can lead to dangerous things . . . my family is mostly of British extraction, though I keep hunting for Scots.

  19. Joan says:

    Help!! At one time in the past, I downloaded a Family tree for the both the MacCleods and dePiagets. I saved the download as a file on an older computer. I thought I had transferred all my information to my newer computer. I am currently rereading the dePiaget family books but can not find my file. I thought I had downloaded it from Lynn Kurlands website. I can not find it on her website nor Facebook page. Do you know where I can located that information? Thx!

    • LynnK says:

      Hi Joan, I’m working toward a redesign of the family tree hopefully soon!

      • Sandy Crow says:

        Morning Lynn
        Have you yet to put together a hard copy of the family tree DePiget and MacCloud ?
        I have read all series 2 times.
        Currently reading “Stars in your eyes”.
        I love all them . Excellent well done and very romantic.

        • LynnK says:

          Sandy, thank you for the reminder! It hasn’t even been on my radar, but I’ll put it on the list. With the way graphics companies can do all kinds of things for small businesses these days, I might actually be able to find an artist to do a little poster or something for me. What would be your ideal size? I don’t want to eat up too much wall space haha, but it needs to be readable!

  20. Vic says:

    Lynn, will there be a new book soon? It has been a while and I am hoping there will be a new time-travel book come out this year.

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