The Castles Are Calling . . .

I have a little two-part life update to share. (I’m absolutely still writing, have no plans to ever quit, much love to all of you who continue to make spots in your hearts and bookcases for these characters!)

So on to Part One. I’ve been presented with the opportunity to go on a little extended explore across the Pond next spring. It may involve some ghost hunting. It will absolutely involve castle gawking.

This has been in the back of my mind for several years, but a wonderful human has offered me a cozy room for a bit so I’m taking a deep breath and a leap of faith. (Maybe not at the same time and probably more of the former and only one of the latter.) I think my little empty-nester phoenix wings are a bit steadier than I’d anticipated, but I don’t want to jinx anything so I’ll keep my cards close to my vest for now. Let’s just call it my, “Eat, Pray, Engage in Possible Paranormal Investigations” tour. (I will still be writing while investigating.)

My plan is to keep a blog of my adventures, so once I’m up and running, I’ll be soliciting possible investigative bucket-list items from you. (Side note: I keep seeing “We’re Hiring!” IG posts from a certain castle. Wonder if they’d let a Yank go volunteer? Hmmm . . .)

Here’s Part Two. I’ve decided the time is also right to let go of most of my very limited personal collection of carefully stored print editions. If you’re interested in personalized first editions, foreign editions, and out-of-physical-print editions, here’s the link to my little shop. I would be so happy to see these books go to readers who will truly love them!

Somewhat unrelated: I’ve been singeing my fingers with solder and silver, so if you love sea glass and would like to see what I’ve been doing while trying to work out a few plot kinks, I’ll put the link to a blog post here that will lead you to that locale.

(I’m a lousy marketer, but I’m told a black Friday sale is a good thing, so in the immortal but possibly fictional words of Emperor Joseph II, “well, there it is.”)

That’s it for now, friends. Definitely more to come. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!




  1. Patty Underhll says:

    Lynn, I am so happy for you. What a wonderful opportunity! I am a partial empty-nester (oldest still lives at home, but has a disability, so likely he always will. But, I’ve learned to never say never! Youngest bought his first home last year and I miss seeing him every day so much). I will definitely check out your book sale and your sea glass crafting as I love both things.

    I can’t wait to hear all about your adventuring and what new creative delights you will wow us all with in book form in the near future.


  2. Kathryn says:

    How exciting!!! Sqeeeee! I will admit to a fair bit of jealousy that you are going across the pond but other than during the light of day, I have zero desire to explore the paranormal after dark. You can make that a character, I’ll fill it n for you Lolol. I’ll def follow along n the blog! Have sooo much fun!!!!

  3. Bonnie Jean Schmidt says:

    I’m excited for you! I have always dreamed of doing something similar, but maybe not the ghosts part. 😂
    I just finished reading LOTR again and thought of you. I think I remember you saying something about how you wanted to know how Arwen and Aragorn’s story could have been extended.
    Anyway, cheers on your new adventure! 🎉

  4. L. L. Muir says:

    Can’t wait to stalk you through it all!!! From a nice safe distance of course. Adventure on!!!

  5. Anne Hogins says:

    I’m so excited for you and jealous!!
    I think your story is going to be exciting in real life. Glad to know you’re going to still write!! And heading to look at your shop! But secretly, I want to go exploring with you across the pond!! lol!

  6. Monika says:

    I am definitely jealous-always wanted to go to Scotland-but…. Oh well
    Anyway I hope you have a ball over there ; relax ; explore and find what you are looking for .
    Be safe

  7. Lisa Olsen says:

    Well, I am sort of dying for you! This will be epic and can’t wait to read/hear/see everything you can share! Yay! I will be checking out the bookstore! Loves and loads of hugs! Your Utah girls miss you!💜

  8. Nikita says:

    Oh myyy… couldn’t love all of this more, dear Lynn! These are the perfect things to do, Lovie! And we shall be here in the wings cheering you on and anticipating any updates ♡ GLORIOUS!

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