August 2021 Update

I had a lovely email this morning from J asking what I was up to. To answer: writing; positive thinking; as many walks in the lovely PNW marine air as possible; and more writing . . .

I have to admit that I’m not sure why when I look at the calendar it says August, because I’m convinced yesterday it said June. :) Where did the summer go? (I might have to consider the possibilities of unwitting time-travel–will report findings later.)

A Lovely Day Tomorrow is in the home stretch, friends. More to come!


Keep Calm and Carry On

You all know I like to keep fairly mum about personal things, mainly just to stay out of the picture so books and stories can remain center stage, but . . . 2020. What a doozy of a year, right?

Like most everyone else, my best-laid plans for 2020 went completely off the rails. I’m finally settled for a bit in a place with lots of peace and quiet, a decent supply of chocolate and rain, and many characters tapping their feet and looking at me pointedly. I’m busy following a couple of those characters around and taking copious notes of their activities, so keep the faith, friends.

(Just one very personal observation, if I could avoid a disapproving glance from a certain Mrs. Dashwood by not confining my remarks to the weather. It occurred to me a couple of weeks ago that both Tolkien and C.S. Lewis had been working on their stories during the 1940s. If things of such lasting beauty and meaning can be created in admittedly very difficult times, perhaps there’s hope for us in our day as well.)

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. In the spirit of under-promising and over-delivering I’m off to make major strides on A Lovely Day Tomorrow. (Did I mention that’s the title?) Fingers crossed for a 2020 arrival.

Also, wouldn’t it be great to find out who pushed whom and what happened to the cousin who’d been pushed?

Stay tuned!



Looking ahead to 2020

2020 . . . Is anyone else as gobsmacked over those numbers as I am?

I’ve had several lovely people ask me about upcoming projects. While you all know how mum I like to be about what I’m working on, let’s just say that 2020 will be the Year of Romance where the de Piagets and MacLeods are concerned. Drafty castles, chivalrous knights, feisty ladies fair. We might even have a ghost or three show up along with maps boasting unusual markings. You all know how that goes . . . :)

For those who love the 9Kingdoms as much as I do, keep the faith. We’re definitely not finished there!

Much, much more to come!


The Prince of Souls

As promised, here’s the back copy for The Prince of Souls:

Acair of Ceangail, clinging to his reputation as Mage Least Likely to Do Good, has narrowly escaped death in a dwarvish dungeon to find his quest still awaiting him. Armed with a map, an unusual spell or two, and some lock-picking tools, he continues his march into darkness to find the maker of pools of shadows before that nameless mage empties the world of souls. If he manages a few maudlin sentiments along the way, so much the better.

Léirsinn of Sàraichte asked for magic, despite its devastating effects, to help Acair as he fights that mage of terrible power and soul-draining spells. It just never occurred to her that magic and her ability to use it might be so critical to their success.

Time is beginning to run out and a battle for the fate of the world and those they love draws ever closer. They just never dreamed how close to home that battle might be . . .


Stay tuned.  I have printed proofs in my hands, so I think that means we might be nearing the finish line here!

The Prince of Souls

It’s been a long time coming, friends, but Acair and Léirsinn gathered up all their words, their cover, and their adventures and headed off toward the typesetter.

I think we might have a book soon.

More to come!