Characters Say the Darndest Things

I’ve had some lovely people inquire about where in the world my updates have been which was a good nudge to check in.

You all know I keep my personal life off-stage primarily because I want you to be able to enjoy  these characters and their stories, not get distracted by mine, so let’s just say that 2022 was a bit of a “clean up on aisle 5” sort of year for me. I drank a lot of celery juice (disgusting, but a game changer,) walked outside in the (occasional) sunshine almost every day, and thought many Deep Thoughts about books and life. I did an equal amount of writing in circles on the current story which yielded many things fit only for the cutting-room floor.

2023 is off to a great start—and please be gentle; I’m still trying to come to grips with it being the end of May! I’m getting a couple of anthology collections together for re-issuing as well as working on Rose’s story. I suspect Theo and Sam are starting to look uneasily over their shoulders for a particular quartet of matchmakers . . .

I haven’t forgotten what’s gone on in the Nine Kingdoms, but I suspect we’ll have to hold off for details until 2024. (I actually really like being involved with main characters over the course of a trilogy, but now that I’m not constrained by publisher schedules—yikes! for more than one reason—it would be interesting to either do a big book or three smaller ones over the course of a couple of months . . .)

This year, perhaps more than any other year of my life, I am grateful for every breath I draw, for the people I love, and for every smart and funny reader I’m blessed to meet.

“Live the hell out of every moment you’re given,” is the sage advice of Jake Kilchurn, advice that has become my mantra for the year. Thank you all for being such a blessed part of those moments!

Much, much more to come, friends!


PS. I don’t ask this often enough, but are there characters you’d like to see me follow around with a notebook and pen and jot down their doings? Let me know in the comments . . . 


  1. Patty Underhill says:

    Love this, Lynn. I absolutely adore all of the de Piaget and MacLeod (and their numerous offshoots and side shuffles) so you can follow any of those around any time and I’d be superbly delighted.

    Going to check out the Nine Kingdoms series soon.

    Hope 2023 is a wonderful year and all those that follow.

  2. Charlene Hanks says:

    Glad 2023 is going better for you! I’m waiting, mostly patiently, for whoever comes next.
    (I have tell you I’ve read THIS IS ALL I ASK more times than I can remember. I LOVE that book! And Robin is another favorite.)

    • LynnK says:

      Charlene, thank you so much! <3 And thanks for letting me know about TIAIA. I do love those characters . . .

  3. Wendy McLaughlan says:

    Hi Lynn, I’m so pleased to hear Rose’s story is developing! Can’t say I’m surprised she’s not an easy one to pin down! Also those twins!! Looking forward to a return to the 9 kingdoms and perhaps learning if the elfin princes’ powers were restored (sorry, his name eludes me at the moment). Love all your books and wishing you a better year. 🙏 peace, comfort, strength and joy; all the best

    • LynnK says:

      Wendy, thank you so much! And yes, Rose has been hard to pin down. The guy who winds up getting blinded-sided by her is even moreso . . . I’ll leave it at that.

      Peace, comfort, strength and joy to you as well! <3 (Those are such awesome things; I'm going to go put them on my wall...)

  4. Amanda NOT of Artane says:

    So good to hear from you! Please, continue to take care of yourself physically and mentally. We are all here just supporting you.

    As for characters… I’ve been obsessed with Robert McLeod since he first played his ghostly pipes for Patrick and Madelyn (my first, and ever-favorite, McLeod book). I’ve imagined his story a thousand times, myself. It often includes a more difficult “happily ever after” than the others have received, but I’m kinda down for that. (I imagine his broken fingers being a thing that needs to be addressed).

    • Amanda NOT of Artane says:

      Why did MacLeod autocorrect to the wrong spelling?!?!?

    • LynnK says:

      Amanda NOT of Artane (I lol’d at that), thank you for the kind words and the suggestion.

      I’ll put Robert the piper on the list…

      • Carol Duchesneau says:

        Absolutely love all your books though I’m always going to be partial to the Macleod/Di Piaget series because they were the first ones I read.

        I’ve been trying to work out where Joshua (originally of Sedgiwck)Macleod is on the family tree, and who actually has the title to go with Sedgwick in the 21st Century. I thought I saw it in one of the books, but I need to go re-read the series. In addition to Robert the Piper, I’d have to add Joshua, Royce, Nazir, & the twins – Theo and Sam. There’s more because I can just pick a favorite. Will we also see some of Jason & Lianna’s children too someday? Oh, and did Joshua have any siblings still living (who weren’t rotten) when he fled with his lute?

        *lol* I’m trying to imagine Robin getting to see his grandchildren by Kendirck and just how much he’d laugh to see the terrors they are to his Son. :D

        Back to my reading obsession now. I’ve got to star that re-read again.

        • LynnK says:

          Carol, what a lovely comment and I love your list! I’ve got to do some digging into Joshua and see what his backstory is. And yes to Robin–I can see him just strolling into Seakirk with Anne and finding complete chaos. Can you imagine what the kids would do? I’ve actually been thinking about maybe some reunion things, but I’ll keep them under my hat for the moment. Thank you so much for the great suggestions. I hope you’re enjoying your reread! <3

  5. Brittany Leavitt says:

    Jamie and Elizabeth’s minstrel.

    • LynnK says:

      Brittany, great idea.

      I might have to round up all the medieval musician and put them together in a band…

  6. Kira says:

    Thank you so much for the update! I can’t wait to see what Nine Kingdoms will bring; one of my favorite series! I would love to more on Sosar’s story, or even a short story from Gair’s time from the perspectives of the rulers (Sile, Uachdaran, etc) as they watch those events unfold.

    • LynnK says:

      Kira, fantastic idea! I’d really like to explore some different formats with book length, etc. Now that I have some energy, lots of things seem possible! <3

  7. SRH says:

    I like all your fans just love your stories about the MacLeods and the De Piaget families. Reading these books (and re reading) many times has gotten me through so many hard times in my life. In the past 3 years I have said goodbye to both parents. Although I did sit and read aloud several of your books to my mother over the months she was bed ridden. My husband and I both fought horrid battles with Covid. He fell and had to have a hip replaced There were other battles we got through. But I want you to know EVERY day I sat by a hospital bed or when I was in one recovering, or recuperating at home. Your characters were there with me. Making me laugh, cry, and escape when needed for a little while. So thank you Lynn for always being there in my life and for your wonderful characters and storylines. As always I will continue to check back to see if there’s a new book for me to deep dive into. Sincere thanks ❤️

    • LynnK says:

      SRH <3<3<3<3 I'm genuinely deeply honored.....

      Life is wondrous and brutal and maybe I'm getting old, but I'm not sure what else to do but savor every moment, treasure every loved one, and get outside and feel the wind and smell the flowers as often as possible.

      I hope 2023 is a better year for you. <3

  8. Leslie Mowers says:

    Lynn, I hope you are well. Your stories so brighten my day! I am also in the PNW – what a fantastic place to live, love and revive ourselves. I love the de Pieget and MacLeod stories, too. They are like old friends. When I read your books, I truly feel like I know your characters. And they do make me laugh out loud from time to time. I always wanted to see Robin and James meet, but I think that ship has sailed. There are all of Kendrick’s hooligans to explore! Thank you so much for being so creative!

    • LynnK says:

      Leslie, not to worry, no ship in our fleet has ever sailed! I still think there’s time, even if the sword hoisting is maybe not as aggressive as in times past. I maybe have to do some sort of serial type thing (à la Charles Dickens) and maybe do some little shorts with some character or other popping in here and there to see how the progeny is doing and sample some future snacks. . .

      And thank you for the kind words. I’m so happy you still reread and enjoy! <3

  9. Roseann Pairo says:

    I love your stories. I wondered about Rose. Can’t forget the twins!!! Jake was right. Sometimes you just need to take care of you. I know a lot of us will wait for anything you write about the DePiget or the Macleods!!! Good luck.

    • LynnK says:

      Roseann, thank you! And yes, sometimes life tells you to take a breath and doesn’t give you much choice about it. All to the good.

      You have a great name, btw. :)

  10. Leslie Smith says:

    Prayers and blessings to you. Patiently waiting. Thanks for all you do.

  11. Sandy says:

    Can we put Sam and Theo with Kendrick’s triplets?? What mayhem would THAT cause!?!

    • LynnK says:

      Sandy, hahaha . . . the mind boggles. If they could rouse themselves from a cheeto and pizza stupor, the world would never recover!

  12. Karen Reynolds says:

    Can’t wait for Rose’s story. Sam and Theo will need really special ladies to hold their attention. Good luck writing their stories. Any time you want to share a glimpse of ANY of the DePiget or Macleods I will gladly read them!

    • LynnK says:

      Karen, thank you so much! I really appreciate the vote of confidence and the kind words. They keep me going! <3

  13. Melinda says:

    So very happy to hear from you!!! I am very excited for Rose’s story and am thrilled with any new book that you share. My fondness for English and Scottish time travel always has me leaning towards the De Piaget and McLeod families. I’d love to know if Jamie and Elizabeth’s oldest son inherits his father’s fascination with time travel. It would be cool if he could meet his half-brother some day 😉

    • LynnK says:

      Melinda, thank you and that’s a great idea. I’ve sort of left the MacLeod ancestors doing their things back in the day, but I’d be interested to see what’s been happening as well . . .

  14. Carolyn Tipton says:

    So happy to see your new posting. I’ve been wondering how you were doing ever since “Lovely Day” was released in 2021. Agree with the previous poster who said “you need to take care of you”. I for one will be patiently waiting for whoever’s story comes next. I was particular intrigued by the references to Rose and her “husband” in “Lovely Day” and of course the Epilogue. Thank you so much for the joy and pleasure all of your books bring.

    • LynnK says:

      Carolyn, thank you for always being so kind and supportive! And yes, Rose was already lurking backstage when Jackson was having his turn, so I had the feeling something was up with her. I’m in the middle of the note-taking, so I’ll stay mum, but it’s been quite a journey so far with her . . . <3

  15. Suzanne Rice says:

    I’ve thought that the biggest tearjerker would be if Robin and Anne got to come to the future for a visit to see Kendrick and his wife and children and see how Artane has held up over the years. That would probably be my new favorite book, but what a (happy) tearjerker!

  16. Pam Knote says:

    I am excited for what it to come for Rose!
    Sam and Theo def need some following, but with all of their time traveling, who knows who will keep up with them?? I love your stories so much! The characters feel like old friends.

    It also might be fun for someone to pop back and meet Ambrose, Hugh and Fulbert when they were in charge and alive!

    • LynnK says:

      Pam, yes to all! I was rereading something–can’t remember which book–about Ambrose having had some drama in his life, so someone might have to go give him a bit of a rescue. Maybe a middle-aged writer of time-travels . . .<3 [[insert either laughing emoji or terrified-face emoji--i'm on my computer and can't insert either]]

  17. Jari says:

    So sorry you had a rough 2022…but glad to see you back at it. I know I’ve said it before but I would love to see Gilligan’s brother find a way back to her…

  18. Ronda Tremblay says:

    I absolutely LOVE all of your books Lynn! I get attached to the characters, and when I finish your books…I re-read them!

    I just want you to know, your stories have gotten me through a lot of hard times in my life…I am grateful!

    I worked in a bookstore, in the 90’s and picked up “The More I See You”. I ordered every one your of books,for the store after that. I sold them to a lot of customers, and we all kept reading from there!

    It’s always a fantastic and magical escape, to jump into one of your books and find myself… one minute eating a small bite of
    “emergency” Godiva chocolate, while sitting on a park bench and the next minute, landing in a field running from horsemen!

    I find myself looking for fairy rings! ;)

    Thanks for the magic Lynn!

    • LynnK says:

      Ronda, thank YOU for all those lovely thoughts and for hand selling my books and for your wonderful imagination. I keep thinking that one of these days I would love to do some Scotland reader tours with anyone who wanted to come along. We might have to have running through a Highland meadow while looking for horses or time-traveling lairds as one of our activities . . . :)

  19. Lynette Smallwood says:

    Being a fan of all your books, I will happily wait patiently for any story you choose to follow at the moment. I just finished re-reading the Nine Kingdoms series, so I feel attached to those characters today. However, every book of yours I read leaves me wanting to see more of those characters. They are absolutely my comfort reads during stressful times, because it feels like being surrounded by family members. Taking care of yourself is the most essential thing. Good to hear from you.

    • LynnK says:

      Lynette, thank you so much! I feel very blessed to get to write about these characters and to get to know others who are fond of them. Thank you for your kind words! <3

  20. Sharon O’Muilleoir says:

    Well, I’ve always said that Patrick McLeod would have been the love of my life. I would love to know what he’s been up to. And I really hope that one day soon a new McLeod man, one as sexy and gorgeous as Patrick, will appear. Maybe someone that none of them knew about?

    • LynnK says:

      Sharon, I’m with you there. I’d love to say Patrick has a twin somewhere, but I’ve probably done too many twins already haha.

      He’s my go-to guy when someone asks me where to start with this whole our-world adventure series. Star of the Morning is more self-explanatory. :)

  21. Dawn says:

    Would love an update on Morgan and Miach whilst awaiting more from the Nine Kingdoms.

  22. Regina Carroll says:

    I am looking forward to a new book!! I love all the characters, especially those Scottish lads!!

  23. Kim Coats says:

    Hi Lynn! You know I love your books and I am super excited for books about the twins! And, Rose will be fun too! I just love all of the De Piagets, so a story about any of them is exciting!

    • LynnK says:

      Kim, thank you so much! I hope you’ll enjoy all three, I’m already sensing this will be a better year for characters seeing stage time . . .

  24. Marie Meadows says:

    So glad you are doing well. Bless you for your writing for all if us. Love all your books. So, I’m not picky. My favorites are all!!! Patiently waiting for you next book.

  25. Patti Arft says:

    I always look forward to your books!!

  26. Staci Hartman says:

    So glad 2023 is going well!!!! We all love you and want what’s BEST for you. But we are also a little selfish because we want those stories!!! All the love to you.

  27. Ashley Wright says:

    Royce needs a story! Royce has always needed a story. You are an amazing writer!

    • LynnK says:

      Ashley, thank you! <3 Royce is on the list (and you have others sitting on that bench waiting with you haha . . .)

  28. Paula says:

    As someone who has reread your whole catalog many times, this is very good news. Nicholas and Jennifer are my favorites, but with Theo and Sam being followed, I’m sure I’ll get an update. I’m still waiting for them to show up at the castle, as Kendrick suggested 💓💓. My 2022 was dreadful as well. 2023 is shaping up to be much more palatable.

    • LynnK says:

      Paula, re 2022, ain’t that the truth. Yikes. 2023 is already MUCH better. And thanks for the kind words!

  29. Mary Louise Van Dyke says:

    Working on staying healthy is important and I’m sure Sunny and Peaches would be proud of you for drinking a healthy green drink!
    I’m looking forward to Rose’ story and very much to the twins’ tale(s). Those two have popped up in so many of your books, driving all of the moderns crazy with their penchant for secrecy and pizza. They will definitely need some feisty women capable of dealing with them. And oh wouldn’t it be interesting if one was to stay in the past and the other in the present?

    • LynnK says:

      Haha, can I just say that as I was gagging that stuff down, I was cursing Sunshine Phillips? ;) Sam and Theo are still in the wings and I’m just not sure I could let them remain in diff time zones, so to speak, but who knows. We’ll see what they end up doing. <3 Thanks for the kind words and intriguing suggestions . . .

  30. Christine says:

    Always so lovely to hear from my favorite author! I pray that your 2023 will bring more ups than downs as you ride the waves life sends your way. Like many others, I have all of your books and enjoy reading them again and again; de Piagets, MacLeods, and the wonderful Nine Kingdoms. I am hopeful that I will one day get to read about the incredible woman and adventure that Soilleir will finally (and deservedly) encounter in his own personal life… fingers crossed. :) Until then I will quite happily read whatever you sent our way, as each of your books is such a gift and uplift to my days. And once again, thank you for keeping your books wholesome – it is incredibly appreciated!

    • LynnK says:

      Christine, thank you SO much for all the kind words and thoughts. This year is already so much better and so full of really wonderful, simple things. I genuinely appreciate the support, thank you! <3

  31. Jan Goodard says:

    I love the de Piaget and MacLeod books. I have saved them all for a reread. I have started the Nine Kingdoms and will read anything you write. I am not choose.

  32. Emily says:

    I’m not sure who it is but I feel like there is a handsome medieval Laird who falls for a modern day hypothyroid girl with curves somewhere? As such a girl who has struggled with body image and eating disorders her whole life I would love an escape of hope for spinster girls like me who feel like it will never happen.

    • LynnK says:

      Emily, you might be onto something there! And I’ve always told myself that sometimes it just takes Just One. One person, one meeting, one something where everything happens at the right time for the right reason. Don’t give up hope. <3<3<3<3<3

    • Leesa says:

      YES!! I have plenty of ‘bumper bars’ as well. Perhaps going back and being forced into a different way of eating kicks her body back into gear, and she starts having to train the old medieval way – out of necessity. But she has some modern herbal knowledge that gets her into trouble???? Orrr, she’s curvy but a ‘kickass’ MMA fighter that takes her skills back with her!!! Could get carried away here.

  33. Marion Laird says:

    Oh, I’m so excited! I love your series! I’m thankful you’re able to write again! <3

    • LynnK says:

      Marion, I used to (very arrogantly, I’ll admit) say that I didn’t have writer’s block, I had deadlines. Which was true. I had deadlines. And I never had writer’s block because I was always either in procrastinate or panic mode, which didn’t leave time for overthinking books or navel gazing or anything like that. I have no idea where 2022 came from, but I never want to see another year like that, yikes. 2023 is a much better year for note-taking and character-following. <3 Thank you for the kind words!

  34. Eryn Beth Rinehart says:

    Hello Lynn!! So happy to both hear from you and know you are taking time to enjoy 2023. Breathing deep, dreaming, and walking are the trifecta of bringing oneself peace. I would love to peek in on Sunny (my favorite girls of yours). But if I was to lay claim to one character I always really loved and wanted to learn more about, it would be Oliver!! He’s McDreamy in my eyes!! Lots of love, Eryn Beth

    • LynnK says:

      Thank you, Eryn Beth, for the kind words. And . . . Oliver . . . yes, i think he might need to step out of the shadows in 2024. We’ll see . . . . . . . . .<3

  35. Ellen says:

    Lynn, you are one of my favorite authors! Your stories are always awesome and brighten my days. Hope, you are having a better year and things continue to improve.

  36. Linda Howell says:

    At least once a month I check the website to see if there is anything new and imagine my surprise at seeing this current posting! I’m excited and thrilled to hear that there are more books in the works. 2022 was a bad year for me as well but whenever I was feeling down and needed a pick-me-up, I had my Lynn Kurland books to make me laugh. Our health is always more important so I’m sending good thoughts and prayers your way! As a side note,there are so many characters that I would love to see meet in person. Jamie and Robin? Nicholas in the future for one of the twins’ weddings? Speaking of twins, Nathaniel McLeod’s sister Sorcha might be a good match????? Regardless, anything you write will be looked forward to with great anticipation! Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2023!!!

    • LynnK says:

      Linda, thank you for continuing to check. I have “update website more often” on my list of things to do. Maybe even toss caution entirely to the wind and send out the occasional newsletter. Those are great suggestions, especially about Sorcha. I’ve wondered about her . . . . <3

      Happy 2023 to you too!

  37. Kris D says:

    I always want to check in on Morgan & Micha. But also, Acair & Leirsinn! I can only imagine what those 2 have been getting into.

    Glad to hear things are looking up for you and can’t wait for what you have in store!

  38. Linda Howell says:

    Oops, sorry Nathaniel! Didn’t mean to spell your last name wrong!

  39. Charlotte says:

    I love everything you write, so as long as you keep them coming, I’ll be happy.

  40. Kathryn says:

    So happy to see you back at it, not that you can really leave it entirely when you are a writer.characters have this annoying habit of knocking on your door when your brain has a spare minute (and when it doesn’t). I have no particular preference as to who appears next, I’ll be happy with whatever :)

    • LynnK says:

      Thank you, Kathryn, and couldn’t agree more about not being able to turn it off . . . thankfully. :)

  41. Cathy Skelding says:

    I’m so glad you’re doing and feeling better! At the end of 2021, I said I was so glad to see it gone, but 2022 was sooo much worse, I didn’t say anything at it’s end! We know how Karma takes notice of those types of things! I love everything you write, so I really don’t care; but as I was re-reading Pippa & Montgomery and Tess & John, I really thought it would be nice to have a follow-up story if Robin and Nicholas in the future, even if only to rescue one (or two) of their kids! I can just imagine Robin, but wouldn’t want him to have one up on Nicholas, who is a favorite!!!
    Take care of yourself and I’d rather read what’s on your floor than most other people’s writing! 💕💕💕🌈🌈🌈

    • LynnK says:

      Some of this might be a repeat of our little convo on FB, but haha re 2022–I had the same experience!! I even tempted Karma by drawing 2021 on the beach right before a wave came in just to really kiss the last of that monstrosity goodbye . . .um, let’s just say I didn’t do the same thing with 2022. [insert terrified face emoji here] And thank you so much for the cutting room floor thoughts. I’m occasionally tempted to do a little “here’s a sample of an absolute garbage first draft and how it evolves into something hopefully less awful” in a section for other writers looking to feel better about their own first drafts, but I’m not sure I want anyone scarred by having to read my deleted stuff. *shudder* I’m definitely putting Robin and Nicholas in a pot on the back burner to simmer. <3

  42. Vicki N Hammons says:

    Hi Lynn, so lovely to hear an update from you. I’m sorry that 2022 played so much Havoc for you. Passing that 2023 is oh so much better. I’ve said before that the MacLeod and de Piaget stories are my most favorites. I loved Jamie💖 But I love your story telling and hope to read many more to come. Before I found you, I delved into Ms.Jo Beverly’s books . We lost her and several others, I can’t lose you so please take special care of yourself. I, for one, will always be patiently waiting, on pins and needles of course, for another story.

    • LynnK says:

      Vicki, thank you so much. <3<3<3 I thought Jo Beverly was wonderful as well. 2023 is already off to a better start, so thank you for the good wishes and same back to you!

  43. Bethany Averie says:

    LOL You should know what I’m going to say! I want Kendrick’s friend, Royce’s story! I think I’ve wanted that for years. :-) Anyway, I’m glad you’re doing okay. Take care.

    • LynnK says:

      Haha, Bethany, I knew what you were going to say before I read your comment. Either he’s going to be doing Silver Singles or I’ve got to do some time traveling. ::puts Royce on list, considers signing up for SS as well::

  44. Mish says:

    As a once ‘fledgling’ romance author, I am SO proud of you for spreading your wings to write YOUR way without the publisher/schedule system. Far too many books lately are part of ‘copycat’ ventures…sort of “If on CSI is good, then 10 are better” mantra. You have blessed us with writing characters which are not cookie-cutter, and plots which bring ‘new’ solutions/venues/plots to the table. And you do it with language, emotion, and ‘real’ romance rather than swearing, unnecessary violence, and gratuitous sex.

    Take the time YOU need; we will wait! For just as children learn by doing, people yearn for the hope and laughter that comes from finding the love found in reading the romance and fantasy you gift us!

    And I vote that eventually Soilleir might find love from a certain sister of a certain wife of a certain hero…after perhaps having to find himself on the end of NOT knowing as much as he thought for once ;-)…whose comeuppance would definitely amuse many characters in the Nine Kingdoms!

    • LynnK says:

      Mish, thank YOU for those lovely thoughts. I’m genuinely–and profoundly–grateful for all the years with Penguin. I met some absolutely amazing people in the biz, had a fantastic time getting to be a part of traditional publishing, and have been so blessed to connect with so many truly wonderful fellow book-lovers/readers. I’m equally grateful for platforms that let me self-publish now. It’s a brave new world out there . . . ;) Also, Soilléir . . . you and I are sharing some of the same thoughts about him haha. I tend to put characters off until the foot-tapping becomes foot-stomping and he’s still chilling in a comfy chair off-stage, but he’s on The List. (I’m sure it makes him nervous somehow.) <3

  45. Laurel says:

    Hooray I came for the 9 kingdoms but stay for all the rest.

  46. Virla says:

    Hi Lynn! So happy to hear from you.
    More more days and moments to live the hell out of to you. hehe

    Characters I would like to hear from more is Jason of Artane and his heiress.

    -with eternal gratitude for all the adventure and fun,

    • LynnK says:

      Virla, thank you so much for such a delightful comment. I’ll put Jason and his bride on the list!

  47. Maite Martinez says:

    I am glad to know that Ur working on Ur stories, De piaget,Macleod or even the 9 kingdome.. Love them all & can’t wait to read any of them.. GB U an hope to hear U from U soon..

  48. Lisa says:

    Hi Lynn! Glad things are going better for you (knock on wood!!!). 2020 was a bad year for me …covid among other health issues. It took months to get back to normal. As for new stories I’m there regardless of who’s in them!!! Lol I have all of your books and you are one of my favorite authors and I always buy a new release as soon as I see your name! The twins story would be awesome!!! And how about a story on those meddling ghosts! I’m so looking forward to new stories from you…you take care!

    • LynnK says:

      Lisa, thank you! And I understand. It’s been an interesting couple of years for sure. Glad you’re better. I’ll add your thoughts to the list! <3

  49. Valerie Long says:


    I’m glad to hear that 2023 is going better for you! I’d love to see Turah’s story or Cathar’s from the Nine Kingdoms. I just love that series of trilogies! I re-read them frequently. They’re comfort reads. :)

    While yes, I’d love more books, I can wait while you deal with whatever personal battles are going on. Take care of YOU and be gentle with yourself.

    • LynnK says:

      Valerie, thank you so much for your kind words. I’d like to follow the rest of Miach’s brothers around and see what they’re up to, definitely.

      And it’s not serious, just too many years of running on fumes. I’m still shocked to wake up and find I’m not still 18 with endless amounts of energy and living happily on chocolate and pizza haha . . .

  50. Lois Alonzo says:

    Dear Ms. Kurland I am such a fan of all you’ve written, re-reading all multiple times. I am glad you are better and wish you always the best of health. I eagerly await any of your characters – Robin in present day would be fabulous maybe guided by Jackson IV.

    • LynnK says:

      Can you imagine those two in the Tube or taking the occasional castle tour? The mind boggles haha . . . And thank you for the kind words!

  51. Pam DeWispelaere says:

    Lynn, it is so good to hear you are hanging in there! Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next book(s).

  52. Colleen says:

    I’m intrigued by Oliver… someone that unflappable seems like a great candidate for time travel (and can you imagine if he brought those lime green running shoes along?!). Thank you for the update – it’s lovely to hear the occasional news from you.

    • LynnK says:

      LOL, what a thought. (If I totally steal that and put it in his book, can I send you a free one–book, not pair of green shoes–in thanks? Email me and I’ll make a note.) And thank you. <3 I always hesitate to clutter up inboxes, but I'm trying to be better about getting out there more . . .

  53. Debbie says:

    Thank you for the update! Wishing you lots of sunshine in your life.
    As always I can’t wait for your next book. Possibly you can add
    Connor to your list of stories to be told? Also I love to listen to your books on Audible but there are only a few. Is that up to Penguin audible? It would be nice if there were more.

    • LynnK says:

      Connor, Nicholas’s son? Absolutely going on the master list. RE audio, I don’t think Penguin would do them for my backlist — it’s eye-wateringly expensive — but I’ll get them done as I can and have the books back under my control. I’m trying to get rights back to things they have taken out of physical print, so fingers crossed!

  54. Sharon says:

    Nine Kingdoms – Sollier

    McLeod/ de Piaget – Oliver. Please. Oliver

  55. Harleen Peterson says:

    I love the McLeod and de Piaget stories. Have all of your books and wait for new books. Hang in there, Lynn, God is on your side.

  56. Deb says:

    I would like to see what happens to James MacLeod & Elizabeth’s daughter. That would be a very interesting story :)

  57. Leesa says:

    Yes, can whole heartedly agree with 2022 being an annus horribilis – lost my sister at the end of it after caring for her following a traumatic brain injury in 1990. I haven’t had much time for reading over the past few years and was just thinking today that I needed to read some Lynn K books to feel something akin to ‘normal’ and happy again, so thought I would look to see if there was anything new coming on the horizon. I was NOT happy to see people writing about characters and me not remembering who was who. So will be delving back into my favs again, and so glad you’re back in your happy place and the characters are talking to you again. Looking forward to catching up with these old friend characters again, and can’t wait for new ones to come along and join the party.

    • LynnK says:

      Leesa, I’m so sorry for your loss. (Words are just so inadequate.) I hope time at least brings comfort and less grief.

      I agree with you about needing to feel normal and like things make sense. I feel very blessed to get to write little stories about people falling in love and having adventures–and their world has been a place of normalcy for me too, thankfully.

      And on a lighter note . . . you haven’t missed tons, I don’t think. :) I hope you enjoy catching up and that new additions to the crew will make you smile! <3

  58. Nichole says:

    This is going to seem incredibly obscure, but I’ve been wondering about Amery! He’s spent most of his life I the present but must have retained some memories of the past. I’d love to know how he is doing! Love your work!

    • LynnK says:

      Nichole, we must be psychically linked. I was trolling through this book I have of Domesday land records (I know, but it’s really interesting!) a couple of days ago and the name Amery popped up a handful of times. I had the same thought. He’s absolutely going on the list! Thank you so much for mentioning him!

  59. Rosie says:

    I love all of your MacLeod/De Piaget books, though I have to confess to soft spots for Nick and Jennifer from WIFIL (my first Lynn book), Stephen and Peaches from AFY (MARRY ME STEPHEN DE PIAGET), and most of all Zach and Mary from TTWY (my favorite book of yours, bar none) – would love to see anything about their offspring or close family!

    • LynnK says:

      Rosie, I have to admit, I read your comment last week and was on my way out the door so I couldn’t reply but I’ve been laughing randomly over (MARRY ME STEPHEN DE PIAGET) ever since. Hilarious. And thank you for the kind words about TTWY. I’m starting to think Zachary’s brothers shouldn’t have been so hasty to get married . . . ;)

  60. Barb says:

    I’m so glad to hear that you’re having a better year. The last year has brought a lot of scary changes to my life. Rereading all of your MacLeod/De Piaget books helped me get through it all.

    When I really needed a distraction I would make up my own stories about some of your characters. Even your minor characters wiggle their way into my heart and thoughts. I love imagining what happens in their lives. For some reason I can’t seem to get the idea of Connor or Parsival being brought forward by the twins because they need some MacLeod medical aid. Of course they would have to fall for the current MacLeod witch/healer(Patrick’s daughter Hope).

    I would love to read novellas about John of Ayre and Joshua of Sedgwick.

    • LynnK says:

      Hi Barb, I agree, the past couple of years were doozies. Hope things have improved for you. <3

      And that's an interesting idea . . . also, John of Are and Joshua are on my list. I think a novella or maybe even something between a novel and novella might be a good amount of room to give a few secondary characters some screen time. A novelette? Hmmm...

  61. Vivian says:

    Please also let us know of the other Rose…or Berkahamshire(?) (Colin’s daughter)

    I love the stories. Please take care!

    • LynnK says:

      Vivian, she’s on my list, definitely! We might have to call her Rose2 to tell her apart from Rose1. :) And thank you! <3

  62. Ms. Marty Hansen says:

    I’ve made a family tree to keep track of all of the characters and how they are related to each other, so when you ask who we would like to see in a future story, my thoughts go to William, Jackson IV’s other brother who confronted Jackson the V after their father died. William seemed to understand time travel and that the Jackson he was talking to, wasn’t his brother.
    And in regard to your own life away from the books, you know what you need, you live with it every day. Take care of yourself, worry about yourself, take time for yourself.
    THANK YOU FOR YOUR BOOKS! I love them and re-read them all the time.

    • LynnK says:

      Ms. Hansen, what an undertaking! Making one for the website is definitely on my list of things to do. And RE William Jackson IV’s brother/JAKV’s uncle: I agree wholeheartedly. I think there might be things going on with him that we need to investigate. :) And THANK YOU for such kind words. I’m so happy these stories have brought you pleasant hours!

  63. Kelly Champion says:

    Yeah, so good to hear from you. Sorry about the celery juice. Next time try cranberry. It’s soooo much better. I love all your series but would love to know what’s going on with Sosar. Maybe it’s time for Soilleir to get his comeuppance.

  64. Karen Day says:

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your wonderful stories! Our children are building a house for us and we are currently living in a 656 square foot apartment – GAH! After 42 years of houses, this has been a struggle and your stories have saved me from madness….LOL! I’m currently rereading “Till There Was You” and Zachary’s and Mary’s antics are making me laugh out loud, even though I’ve read that book at least 10 times!

    So delighted things are getting squared away for you. PLEASE keep your wonderful stories coming!

  65. Carolyn Tipton says:

    Looking back though all of the comments about other characters and their stories. Am wondering if someone can help me. In one of the books (and I can’t find the passage or the correct book), the “heroine” mentions meeting the “hero’s” sister and comments about there being something mysterious about the sister. Does anyone else remember this mention and know which book this is in? The mysterious sister is someone else I’ve always wondered about and am curious if she would make another appearance.

  66. Bethany says:

    I truly hope 2023 has been good to you. I totally agree with you & I’m living every moment. I just hope 2024 is even better!
    I’d love to hear from Colin & Alienore. Especially if it’d be a straight historical. You were brilliant with those as well and its been a very long time. However, I will patiently wait (sort of, lol) for any story you put out and enjoy it immensely!
    Wishing you all the best. And most of all THANY YOU.

  67. Jessica McCann says:

    First thank you for this update. Praying all goes well with you. We appreciate every word when ever it comes.

    My daughter and I are fans of all the series. We often step aside from mushroom circles or wonder about a dodgy price of grass. It’s great fun when the books slip the bonds of the written word and become iconic in another family! Lol.

    I’d personally love to see some of the elf’s who were supporting characters in various books come into focus. The elf whose magic was taken but it wasn’t totally destroyed … I just loved him. And I wanted to know if he’s ok? Did he regrow his magic somehow. A forest’s love and a giving female of the forest could help him?

    Any Scottish time traveling craziness is always appreciated! . A modern day conservationist working to rewikd the highlands gets more than he/ she bargained for one planting trip. Who knows what other things get reconnected when you rewikd. I don’t know which characters that might be. Patrick’s kin? It’s every conservationists dream to go back in time ….

    We really love your work. Take care thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  68. Linda Howell says:

    I see your new book, Somewhere Along The Way (Rose’s story) is coming soon! I am so excited! Just in time to be my early birthday present! You kept your word and got it done in September! Woohoo! Thank you so much!!! Now relax and enjoy the rest of the year!!!

  69. Linda Howell says:

    Ordered and on its way! I know what I’ll be reading this weekend!!!

  70. Jan R. says:

    Lynn, I can’t get enough of your books. I’ve read everything I can get my hands on at least once. I’ve read the MacLeod/De Piaget books multiple times. It’s so refreshing to find a writer who doesn’t lace their books with graphic sex and language. Your characters are so filled with love and light it’s a joy to visit with each of them time after time. For years, my go-to books had always been Patricia McKillips trilogy “The Riddlemaster of Hed”. While I will always love this set and will continue to revisit it often, yours have become my all time favorites. 2022 was a struggle for so many of us, having lost my sister 2 days before Christmas then my guy 4 months later, 2023, I look for what brings me comfort and your books have fit that niche in my life. I’m so glad that “we” have made it through and I am so looking forward to whatever you may bring us. Jan

  71. JENNIFER says:

    I would love to see more of Nickolas’s kids and more about Miles and Abigail and their kids.

  72. Linda Howell says:

    Got it, read it, loved it! Especially loved the future speak you worked in! Won’t type any spoilers but wish I knew what Tristan thought about Rose’s “extended” family!

  73. Sophia Straughn says:

    So, SO happy to see a new book. I’ve really missed your DePiaget and MacLeod novels. I’ll order the new book stat! Take care and continue to take the time to write what you love and what inspires you.

  74. irma p godbee says:

    What about Nick and Jennifer’s second son, John? If I remember correctly, “he would make Beauvois even more spectacular than Nicholas managed to”….would make a wonderful book.

  75. Marilyn Miller says:

    For some reason Sir Ranulf has always intrigued me. Does he have a hidden past he is avoiding? I also wonder what Connor might be up to besides trying to keep tabs on Theo and Sam…

  76. Katrina says:

    I just bought your new book! Because I love you! I’m not one to buy, I usually get it at the library, or second hand somewhere. But you have been such a consistently loved author I had to buy it instead.

    I haven’t read all of this comment section to know how you are, so I can’t say any particular encouragements. I don’t know how hard getting this book out was, but it must have been. We get older, but that just makes things more complex, not easier. Agh.

    Please, please know how much happiness – years of happiness you have given. Thank you for the new book!

    ….Also I can’t help it, I can’t read the book yet. If I read it now, I’ll speed read and not enjoy it properly. (Yes, I am that old to both know that, *and* have the self control.) I have to wait until I’m calm enough about reading it! Arrg! Wish me luck. I’ll just be over here somewhere, torturing myself. Am I still thanking you? I am?

    Thank you!

  77. Sallie S says:

    Just finished Somewhere Along The Way and loved it! Thank you for the story of Rose. Look forward to more stories.

  78. Kelly Champion says:

    I love all your books but would you please,please, please entice Sosar to tell his story.

  79. Sharon says:

    I love your books. Sometimes when I just need something quieter and kinder to read, I’ll reread all of your books for a couple of months♥️. I’d love any book you choose to write, but I’m very curious about Sosar and Soilleir and what their stories hold. Thank you for sharing your writing!

  80. irma p godbee says:

    How about revisiting Colin and Ali…they had a daughter. I recently re-read “Colin and Ali’s story”…he is such a colorful character. I know he appears as a ghost in future books, still love the throw-back into the past where others can make an appearance.

    • LynnK says:

      Irma, that would be a great revisiting! He is a character, which makes me wonder just how his children turned out haha. Thanks for the thought!

  81. Gail Merriken says:

    Lynn, you are one of my most favorite authors. I recommend you to friends, and I am buying every book you have written. Right now they are packed away while I continue to wade through my Mom’s clutter in my family room. I was on Amazon and thought to check on you. I found I had missed your “newest” book. Which will be here in a week! As to characters to follow I love your romance series and think you do a great job of bouncing back and forth between the families with a good balance of which comes forward and and and who gets sent back, plus those meddling matchmakers!
    What I am most curious about though is in the fantasy world. Sosar losing his magic to Lothar and one of the dream weavers said that if he was in the right soil he could grow again in stature towards his father’s “mighty oak” status. Keep up the great work and continue to take care of you and yous❣️

    • LynnK says:

      Hi Gail, I’m not sure if I’ve replied to your comment yet or not–wordpress is fussy that way–but thank you for such kind words! I hope you’ve gotten things sorted. That’s difficult, to be sure.

      Re Sosar, that is definitely what was said–I think it was by Aisling–and that’s absolutely something that needs to be followed-up on. I’m trying to ruthlessly reduce and simplify so all I have to do is walk every day, try to eat decently, and write. So many stories that need to be told. <3 Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment!

  82. D Murphey says:

    I love reading the De Piaget and McCloud series, and I’m looking forward to a book(s) about Theo and Sam. Also, I would enjoy a more in depth book about Miles and his family. The other siblings have gotten their own books, and Miles’ story was too short. Thanks for sharing your talents! Your stories have brought me many hours of enjoyment, laughter and tears.

    • LynnK says:

      I couldn’t agree more about Miles. It’s funny how decisions you make on the spur of the moment* are ones you probably wouldn’t make down the road. Sam and Theo, absolutely! And thank you so much for those very kind words! <3

      * The Christmas Cat was really a gift from my first editor. She called me on a Friday, told me a spot had opened up if I could get her a synopsis by Monday and the story in six weeks. It was such a great lineup of high-powered authors I was thrilled for the chance. I would like to revisit Miles and Abby though and see how their lives turned out!

  83. Harleen Winabelle Peterson says:

    I love your books so much, and am waiting for more. I have read them over and over and am wearing them out. Hope you are taking care of yourself.

  84. Jo Hayes says:

    Hello lynn I’ve just reread all the Macleod and De Piagets once-over again and never disappointed thankyou. Hoping that Parcevial gets his story as well as Thaddeus…thankyou.

    • LynnK says:

      Hello Jo, thank you! I agree about Parsival (autocorrect doesn’t like his name haha) and Thaddeus. And Gwen definitely needs to find herself in straits only Christian can sort out. More to come, definitely! <3

  85. sally sanford says:

    Lynn, I hope 2024 is a year that is being kind to you.
    I enjoy your books so much, the time-traveling ones and the fantasy ones. I had a thought about a possible future book in the De Piaget world – how about a book where Robin and Anne “retire” to the present day. Maybe their demise to explain why they leave their original time and travel to the future could be due to some illness or a cure for Anne’s lameness that causes them to go on a holy pilgrimage and they don’t come back, but stay in the future…
    Thanks for reading my idea and I look forward to more of your books.

    • LynnK says:

      Sally, FANTASTIC idea! I love the thought of them getting to see Kendrick and Mary and all their grandchildren. I’m filing that away–I’ll give you full credit. <3

  86. Jamie Brown says:

    James MacLeod & Robin De Piaget meeting in the past. Maybe Jamie goes after his kid or something.

    Love a story about Nicholas’s Twins: Samuel & Theopholis De Piaget.

  87. Lisa West says:

    Well, now that I have read your newest… besides the twins, I want more info on Ewan.
    Thank you for writing such wonderful stories – that are suitable for sharing with my daughters-in-love.

  88. Cathy says:

    Would love to know about the characters from when I fall in love. Also who is this rise character. Did I miss a book. Love your writing. Keeps me entertained. Ty. Be well

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