About other ALDT editions

Hey all,

Just a little note about other non-Kindle editions. I think I’ll have the final files for the print version at Amazon as well as all the other usual suspects hopefully by the end of this week. I’ll just want to upload and look everything over myself one last time before I hit Publish.

(Being in charge of all these technical details is simultaneously terrifying and exhilarating.)

Thanks for hanging in there with me, friends!


  1. Alexandra M. says:

    It’s the worst when you are so super careful & dot all your i’s & cross every t & then….. you find a mistake after it’s too late to change. Argh!
    You take your time, we have waited this long! <3

    • LynnK says:

      :) :) :)

      • Amber Magana says:

        I am having some trouble commenting, so I replying. Sorry. I would love to hear about Jamie’s granchildren and what they are getting up tp

        • LynnK says:

          Hello Amber–I understand and I apologize for wordpress. I can’t find any proof that I’ve replied to anyone, so I’m in the same boat. (Sorry if this is a duplicate!)

          I agree about Jamie’s grandchildren. I have the feeling he’s popping through more time gates than he’s willing to admit to, so . . . ;)

  2. Cindy Graff says:

    Thanks for letting us know the wonderful news; I for one am ecstatic! Thanks for taking so much time to reply to ALL of us. We are so grateful, and so happy now!
    You have no idea how much I and so many others adore your books!
    I have been hoping for your next book- this book- for years, and soon now I will be able to immerse myself again in the magic of your stories. You are brightening our world. Please keep writing! There is no substitute for a Lynn Kurland de Piaget/MacLeod book! :)

  3. Marybeth says:

    Having a new Lynn Kurland book is the best gift during these trying times. It seems like you have had a tough road to travel over these last few years, but hopefully, your life is better now. Your books are so special and hard to live without! They are a wonderful addiction!

  4. Patty Burnett says:

    Thank you for sharing Jack’s story. I really enjoyed it. I have already read it twice. Thank for all the stories. I have been a fan since the 1990s and have completely loved the journey that you have taken us on with the de Piaget and MacLeod family adventures. I look forward to the next one (won’t lie, hoping it’s Rose’s). God’s Blessings to you and yours.

    • LynnK says:

      Patty, thank *you* for the kind words and letting me know. I’m glad you liked his story. And Rose . . . maybe. :) I’m interested to see how she handles her life with what I’m sure are a few less-than-medieval sensibilities! <3

  5. Linda Howell says:

    Hey all Lynn Kurland fans. The paperback version of A Lovely Day Tomorrow is available on Amazon. Already ordered my copy!!!

  6. Linda Howell says:

    Excellent book! May be best one yet! Can’t wait for the next one!!! No pressure!!! LOL

    • LynnK says:

      Haha, well, I never talk about what I’m working on . . . but let’s just say I’m working on something. :) Thanks for being interested in more!

  7. Deborah Mann says:

    Lynn: Can you tell me when Barnes & Noble will have it available for Nook? I see they have paperback, but not digital version.

  8. Gwen Hood says:

    Lynn, I can’t tell you how excited I am to begin ALDT! I just reread “Roses In Moonlight” to prepare. I actually have a question for you. Will there be an updated genealogy chart in the hard copy? And, is there any way to put the genealogy chart on your (this) website? Like most of your superfans (and you have many), I like to study the chart. Thanks so much!

    • LynnK says:

      Gwen, thanks for wanting a chart to study! :) The short answer is: yes. The long answer is: I’m digging back through emails 10 years to find the professional designer from Penguin who offered to do one on the side for me that was interactive. That seemed like a super cool way to be able to link to not only the books, but the characters inside and whatever else they were in. It may take me a bit, but that’s definitely on my list. I’m considering cast lists for the moment, but we’ll see . . . Thanks for the nudge!

  9. Deborah Mann says:

    Will it be available in a Nook version soon?

    • LynnK says:

      Hi Deborah, yes! I’m using a distributor (ah, the joys of wearing lots of hats!) and for some reason the ebook is stuck in processing. I’m trying to sort that out as quickly as possible. — L

  10. Iva Albrecht says:

    Awe Lynn this book has been a balm for my soul. Thank you so much for telling us Jackson’s story. I loved the visits with our characters along the way. It has truly been a delight and I look forward to reading your next great novel. Thank you for continuing to write. It is a blessing to so many of us❤️

  11. Hillary says:

    After waiting so long I am enjoying this book so much that I don’t want to finish it! I hope it will be another one coming soon! Or soonish lol

  12. Hillary says:

    Hope there*

  13. Cindy Graff says:

    I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed this book! Is there any chance of another de Piaget/MacLeod book this year???
    We all became spoiled by you, writing a new treasure of a book almost every May. Dare we hope for another any time soon? Please let your devoted fans know if there is a new book in the works! We will be ever grateful! There is no substitute!
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us!!! We want as many as you can give us, please!

  14. Kat says:

    Absolutely LOVED this one! Jack’s story was amazing and I am hoping … that we will see his family visit him in the present day as they discussed in the book. I hope that was a hint to your loyal fans. :)). I love all of them, but “this one” … it was extra special! Love the de Piaget and McCloud series. Have read them all and started on my second read for all of them. Hope to see another one soon. Thank you for transporting us to another time.

  15. Dawn says:

    I’m really hoping for a new Nine Kingdoms book. Do you have any more planned? Thanks for all of your wonderful characters and stories!

    • LynnK says:

      Dawn, not this year, but I think maybe next year! Trying to get my self-directed schedule in place. :)

      • Anne says:


        I’ve just finished a reread of the nine kingdoms and wonder about so many things … all the Nerochean princes, Sosar, Sollier and Leirsinn’s family, ….

        I love all your books, but Star of the Morning was the first I read, so the regions has a special place in my heart.

        Best wishes!

  16. Georgianne Arnot says:

    Is Prince of souls the last Nine Kingdoms book? Hope not

  17. Linda Howell says:

    Hey Lynn, Any chance the next book will be out by Christmas this year? Husband in a quandary about what to buy me and I would really like something other than kitchen stuff and pajamas! LOL

  18. Kayla Rudbek says:

    Hello, Lynn. How are you doing? Is there any chance of a Nine Kingdoms book?

    • LynnK says:

      Hi Kayla, probably not 2023, but I’m having some character begin to tap their feet impatiently, which is always a good sign. ;)

  19. Iline Norton says:

    Hey Lynn– first I love your writing. I own everything you have written, some in multiple formats. Will you be writing more of the Nine Kingdoms books in the future? I have hoped since the first series that Sosar would eventually either have his own story or at least get his power back from Lothar. Thank you for all the wonderful stories you have written!!

    • LynnK says:

      Sosar’s been on my mind, so . . . yes, eventually. And thank you! <3

      • Shawn Tichelaar says:

        Sosar was one of My favorite characters. I would love to have a book about him, getting his power back and having a grand adventure. Throwing Miach and Morgan (or their child) in it would be fun.

        • LynnK says:

          Shawn, thank you! I think he definitely deserves some love, and I have the feeling he’s getting a little antsy about his situation. More to come, definitely!

  20. Sarah says:

    Can’t wait to read your next book!! I’ve been a fan for years, have read every book several times. I’m currently re-reading ALDT for the tenth time, so much fun! Do you have a book coming out this year? Conner’s story? Or Rose? Can’t wait to see who is next – thanks for all of your amazing characters and stories. Love your books!!

  21. Robin Baker says:

    Hi, Lynn! What happened to you? It’s been about a year and a half now since I received a newsletter from you, and I see nothing new here in about as long, so I’m getting a bit worried… I know you have a life outside of writing, and I completely understand time getting away from you (that’s why I’m writing so late since your last post; I meant to do this 6 months ago but,…). How about just a quick head’s up on how you’re doing and anything you want to share about what the last year has brought to you? I have an overactive imagination, too, and the longer you leave us hanging without word, especially in light of recent ‘events’, the more terrible things my head taunts me with!(If you’re actually trapped in the past, perhaps your editor could attach a little note telling us what steps are being taken to rescue you?)
    Hope whatever has been keeping you busy has been wonderful, regardless! Looking forward to seeing your name in my inbox again, and until then, I think I’ll start at the beginning of my Kurland library for the 7th or 8th time; That should keep me distracted LOL

    • LynnK says:

      Hi Robin! I need to post something, perhaps a proof of life picture indicating I’m still in 2023 lol. 2022 was a very strange year. I’ll try to be more present here in 2023. <3

  22. Susan says:

    Hi Lynn. Glad to see your comment so we know you’re still around. I have all your MacLeod and dePiaget books and miss hearing more about them. You are and outstanding writer and you and your chapters have been missed. Hoping you’re taking care of yourself.

  23. Anne says:

    Hope all is well!

    Do the rights you’ve gotten back include the two Nine Kingdoms novellas?
    (Crossing fingers…)


  24. Mary Pillsbury says:

    Any hope of getting some audiobooks?

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