A Sneak Peak at the Future . . .

Well, not the Future, but the regular ol’ future that in my world contains a new book coming out in OCTOBER — I hope you all will love it! — a new way of getting my books (new and vintage) into your hands that doesn’t involve big players, plus a little something from the sea.

I’m so excited about these three things that I’m (imagining) doing backflips!!

Thank you, every last one of you spectacularly wonderful and generous souls, for giving my characters such lovely homes in your hearts and bookshelves. It really does mean the world to me.

More to come!


PS. If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter, take the plunge! I only send them out when I have a new book on offer, so no spam to worry about.


  1. Sarah Elder says:

    Yes please! I’d love to get your newsletter. Love your books – I can’t walk by a circle of mushrooms without thinking about your stories. Thanks so much! Can’t wait for your next book. 😀

    • LynnK says:

      Hi Sarah, thanks for the comment! I have to admit, I give those mushroom circles the side-eye as well. :) More info to come on new book soon . . !

  2. Zina Reed Garrett says:

    I’m so excited about the news letter! Your books are so wonderful. Thank you.

  3. Sallie S says:

    Wonderful to hear from you! I have re-read a number of your books this summer and look forward to the new release! Take care of yourself.

  4. MargaretAnn says:

    Can you leave a hint? Which series will the new book belong to?? Or is this the start of something completely new and exciting!! Can’t wait!!

    • LynnK says:

      MargaretAnn, you know, you give me hope that there might be an extra little space out there for something just a little different, though I’ll absolutely continue to write about the de Piagets and MacLeods. (And the Nine Kingdoms. There are tales left to be told there!)

      We’ll see how the next year goes and how fast I can type. I’m trying to figure out how to be more present here rather than FB–I have a love/unlove relationship with it–so I’ll try to post a little cover reveal here tomorrow. It’ll probably tell you at least some of what you want to know. :) More to come!

      • MargaretAnn says:

        Lynn – your news is beyond exciting. You’ve definitely created characters that your audience wants to continue to live vicariously through. So future books in your current series would be fabulous.

        However, a new road – perhaps the one less travelled?? – would be beyond my imagination and I simply cannot wait.

        I just binged read your new book. Thank you!! It was a delicious read and I cannot wait for the twins story(stories) to emerge… oh the tease….

      • MargatetAnn says:

        Lynn is there an update on some of your books no longer available in print?

        I’ve purchased everything I can find both hard cover and kindle but my library is lacking…

        I prefer hard cover because I love the feel of a book in my hands and the turning of pages but kindle is a fabulous option for travel. Love that I’m never without something fabulous to read, even if it is my tenth read of favorites from you!

        That said: I just want to have them all.

  5. Lois Alonzo says:

    October cannot come soon enough!! I will be first inline to get it😍

    • LynnK says:

      Lois, it might be just a little earlier than October. We’ll see how fast Amazon can get me a proof. Just sayin’ . . . . . . . . <3 And thank you for your support!

      • Lois Alonzo says:

        Read it and it was like a beloved family reunion!! Thank you ( again and again)! 💌😍🤗🏰🚁📖🖋📝🗡

        • LynnK says:

          Lois, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I have to admit, I love getting to have a peek into the lives of previous characters. For me, it really does make them seem like family. <3

  6. R Wheeler says:

    Awesome – a new book coming!! Just spent the last 4 days re-reading your latest 4 books so as to be caught up on most recent characters, cannot wait for October’s release! Thank you, Lynn!!!!

  7. Sarah A Sonn says:

    You are one of three author’s whose books I buy. One came out this month and another is also due in Oct. I am looking forward to your new book. I have reread the so many times. Great friends.

    • LynnK says:

      Sarah, thank you SO much for the support. I honestly wasn’t sure anyone else would love these characters like I do, and it’s truly one of the best parts of this writing journey for me. (I try not to say out loud that I love hanging out with them in my head as well, because that makes me sound like a crazy writer, but it might be true. Maybe. ;)) I hope you’ll enjoy the new story!

  8. Barbara says:

    Exciting news! Not that I mind rereading all of your books between new releases 💕

  9. Karen says:

    Whoo hoo!! Fall is really the best time of year, and now a new story to make it better! Can’t wait to see who gets his/her story! Thank you for the many hours of enjoyment! PLEASE never stop writing! Hugs!

  10. Karen says:

    Whoo hoo! I’ll be in line right behind Lois!

  11. Alexandra says:

    Well this is excellent news! I’ve been away for a bit, pop on in, and then: A book in October on its way. Didn’t even have to be patient this time! I still get a chuckle out of “Yoga Pants” every time I put mine on. That and the bit about “Laurence Olivier’s second coming” just killed me. Can’t wait for your next one!

    • LynnK says:

      Laughing in the right places is very good! :) I’m so glad you enjoyed ALDT, Alexandra, and hope you’ll enjoy what’s coming up!

  12. JenC says:

    Eeek! Just checked Amazon! I cannot wait! Thank you so much!

  13. Sandy says:

    I just signed up for your newsletter. I have been a subscriber since the beginning, but somehow was dropped recently. I’m so excited about this new book. I’m glad Amazon alerted me today. I immediately purchased the book for my Kindle. I will probably purchase a paperback copy soon. I own all your time-travel, MacLeod, de Piaget books in paperback and some in digital format. Eventually, I will purchase all of them for my Kindle. Your stories are so amazing and I constantly re-read them. Much love to you. Sandy

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