A Little Update

I’m always torn between keeping mum and potentially saying too much, but so many lovely people have been curious about why I haven’t gotten Acair’s book out the door this spring that it seemed like a little update was in order.

2017/2018 turned out to be a bit more turbulent than I’d anticipated. You would think that after all this time I would understand—and heartily support—that sometimes a protagonist’s best-laid plans get derailed by crazy secondary characters and even crazier events, but in the paraphrased words of Marilla Cuthbert: “You’re not safe from surprise till you’re dead.” I’m still kicking, thankfully, but thinking maybe I should never try to write mysteries because I’m always surprised by life’s twists and turns. :)

The past couple of years have been full of house-selling, condo-hopping, road-tripping with family, many emails from wonderful reader-friends touching base to make sure I was doing well, and 20+ hours behind the wheel of an overloaded U-haul that left me vowing I would never, ever drive a U-haul again. 

All’s well that ends well, though, and I find myself in the PNW, happily near the water, gratefully soaking up the rain and the green, and feeling profoundly grateful that I’m able to freely write stories about these characters I love so much. Thank you, every one of you wonderful souls, for sticking with me on this wild ride. Life is very, very good.

A final note: Acair and Léirsinn are indeed still engaged in Heroic Questing—all the do-gooding is leaving Acair with a bit of tummy upset, truth be told. (Is this the place to admit I’ve rewritten most of The Prince of Souls three times now? That may be affecting his digestion as well!)

I think I’d better peek in and see what things still lie in wait for them as they near the end of their journey . . . stay tuned!


  1. Priscilla says:

    So glad you are doing well but I’m going through “Lynn Kurland book” withdrawals…..you are my absolute favorite author. I’ve been waiting anxiously for your next book…so I started reading your series again…I think for at least the 3rd time.

    • Victoria Huffman says:

      I’ve been doing the same. I think I am on my third time. I told a friend about you, and sure enough she too loves them. Cannot wait for the new one coming.

  2. Joan Grootveld says:

    Thanks for the update, Lynn. I love your romantic time travel stories and wondered when another DePiaget novel will come out.

  3. Lisa says:

    Hi Lyn, While I’m impatiently waiting for Acair’s book I understand how life can throw roadblocks in our path! Hoping all goes well and you can finish it (soon ;) )

  4. Pakela says:

    Any new in the dePiaget McKinnon sagas?

  5. Melinda Denton says:

    Hi Lynn! I won’t keep you long as I have only 1 request. Please- Please- Please put all your nine kingdom books on audio. With the wonderful Laura Jennings as narrator. I absolutely loved listening to your first 3 and have done so -so many times…The narrator for your other books was not my cup of tea, I am sorry to say. But Laura can do so much with that low, sultry whisper of hers. Thank you for all you have given so far.. I have not read one of your books that I didn’t love and have read them over and over. But as I age my eyes are not so great and I have had to go to Audible. So thank you if you can accommodate. Blessings to you my dear.

  6. Michelle Fernau says:

    Awesome!! Thank you Miss Kurland for the updates
    Hope all is still well :)
    Love every story that you’ve published :)

  7. Laura says:

    Hi Lynn Kurland!! 😁

    It’s so good to hear from you again. Glad to hear that life’s good. And can’t wait for your book. I love your books so very much.

  8. Lisa says:

    You are so kind to share you life with us. I appreciate your update and hope you are in a much better place to do what you do so well!
    Peace and love to you!

  9. Debbie Anderson says:

    How about out knights and ladies and traveling back and forth in time ? 😁 Anything new there ?

  10. Alegria Atencio says:

    Awaiting more stories!

  11. Vicki N. Hammons says:

    Awe, I feel for you! I utterly detest moving. I do love the idea of a fresh start in a new, better, bigger dwelling but, and I reiterate, I detest moving. LOL

    On the other note… I’m always awaiting for a new story from you. Love your writing 💖

  12. Cece Casey says:

    Dear Lynn
    Glad to “hear” things are calmer. We are here for you…

    PS…was thinking of you many times on my first trip to Edinburgh…thought I saw one of the gents…😉

  13. Pat O’Toole says:

    Can’t wait for more of Acair’s story — and the many other lovelies you have yet to share 💕

  14. Cathy says:

    So glad to hear from you; been wondering how you were as I re-read my Kurland Collection AGAIN! Nothing else seems to measure up to your style of writing! Love and miss you and will pray you find peace and happiness to continue delighting your beloved readers!💕❤️🙏🥰🦄🦕🏹🤺🏰⚔️🛡🔪

  15. Tricia Barile says:

    Can’t wait!! Very glad you are “home” in the PNW!!❤️

  16. Shannon says:

    Three drafts! It’s wonderful to hear you’re writing Acair’s story, but I feel for you on that.

    As for the life stuff, I’m glad to see you’re settling in the PNW. It’s where my roots lie, so I know you’re in a beautiful location. I am glad you’re able to grow in that spot and say that life is good.

    Best wishes on your journeys, may they never include an overloaded U-Haul again.

  17. Roseann Pairo says:

    Good for you. Enjoy your new home. Would love a new MacLeod or dePiaget story!!!

  18. Debby Connelly says:

    Lynn- glad to hear from you! So glad you are okay. We all were worried! As with everyone else, hope we get an MacLeod \dePiaget book soon!😊

  19. Leslie Mowers says:

    Lynn, first – I am so glad you are well! I was introduced to your books (MacLoud series) and have not been able to put them down. So, the housework is on the back burner, or maybe in the trash! Thank you for the fantastic stories that take us away from the daily grind. I moved to the PNW three years ago, and fell in love with it. Maybe, one day you will do a book signing up here! I am in Vancouver, WA. Cheers to you!

  20. Dawn Peterson says:

    I’d like to see ddPagient series more.

  21. Zeta says:

    Adventures and Twists keep life changing and that keeps us moving onward with new inspiration.
    Well wishes for your new home and your new stories we love!

  22. Cynthia says:

    So glad things have gotten better….Relax and enjoy. Peace to you

  23. Rita says:

    Thanks for the update! Hope you are doing well.

  24. Lisa says:

    Oh Phew…you are alive and in your happy place! You are missed and love the update! Hearts and Hugs!

  25. Sharon Boyer says:

    Thankful you are good and so anxiously awaiting this next book!!!! Thanks for your wonderful stories!!!

  26. Eileen says:

    20 hours driving a U-haul would unsettle anyone’s nerves! Thanks for the update on you and the family as well as Acair and Leirsinn. May your life go smoother than your characters for the next few years!

  27. Linda Howell says:

    Glad to hear you are doing well. I’ve had to reread all of my books several times. I just can’t find anything I like better! Looking forward to your next book, whenever it gets done! Until then, you are in my prayers.

  28. Samantha says:

    Moving is an adventure into the unknown. No matter how careful you pack, things have a way of appearing in boxes that had nothing in common. It takes forever to get things places just right. My husband is retired military and we’ve done more moving than I care to remember. I still think I have things that oh yeah, we got rid of that on one of the moves. Can’t tell you how books I’ve re-bought that I regretted getting rid of. Good Luck with your move. I would love to read some more MacLeod/dePaiget books. I love the time gate stories. Blessed Be.

  29. Zofia says:

    Thank you for all your wonderful books

  30. Anne says:

    So very happy to read that you are well and that life is good. We worry, you know!

  31. Kelly Champion says:

    Thanks so much for the update. I am sorry that your life was in such uproar but am glad it’s better now. Welcome to the PNW. I hope you love it as much as I and many others doing.

    Eagerly awaiting the next installment(s).


  32. Lyn Brown says:

    I am so glad you are well! I am eagerly(and impatiently) waiting for more Scots stories! I have all of your books on kindle AND in print, because what if the cloud should fail?

  33. Laurel Williams says:

    WooHoo Poor Acair, change is not easy. As a person who has gone through difficult changes I can understand it takes a lot of trust and huge amounts of courage. It is one of the many things I love about your books. Take care

  34. Rosalie Broding says:

    Relieved to hear you are safe and sound and still nearby in the PNW! I have been checking in here periodically for the past couple years and thrilled to see a new post from you! Now, I can relax and wait, knowing you are well.
    I know from experience that life can throw many curves, and as hard as they are going through them, the clarity and growth that comes from them are life changing. Take care, be good to yourself and know you are loved and cared for by many!

  35. Ginny Robinson says:

    Thanks so much for the update! You tell a story like no one else! I also read and reread every one of your books. I can’t wait for the next one!

  36. Ellen Roy says:

    Thank you so much for keeping us up to date. I love your books, the nine kingdom ones in particular. There is so much potential for many stories in those kingdoms. Acair needs letting out of the jail somehow, but only if he can behave lol.

    Seriously, Im sorry you have had a difficult few years, lets hope that is in the past and you can concentrate on having a lovely fun life with lots of writing.

  37. Monika Thompson says:

    You are and always will be my favorite Author. I love your style and you make me laugh. Thanks for doing what you do. And I am happy to hear that you are ok.

  38. Karen L. says:

    Greetings Lynn,

    I’m so excited for the next Nine Kingdoms story with Acair!!! Your first 3 books with Morgan are my favorite however this series with Acair rivals it. :)
    Above all, thank you SO much for keeping your romance novels clean!

  39. Ruth Smith says:

    You are my favorite author, I’ve read and re-read your stories over and over….just love them all. Glad to here you are well and moved and enjoying your new home. Anxiously await Acair and Leirsinn’s story. Though I do love the Scots so much…love to read more stories about those wonderful folk. Thanks for the many great hours I’ve spent with all these characters.

  40. Sophia says:

    Lovely to hear you are doing so well. I’m glad you’re still writing. Have read all your books several times. Would love to have more time travel books, possibly another branch of the families, or new ones. Thanks

  41. Karen Day says:

    Soooooooo happy to hear you are doing well and flourishing! Love, love, love your stories and always will! Please keep them coming!

  42. Carol Danner says:

    I too have reread the entire series for the 3rd, no 4th time and anxiously await ANY new book, short story, play, whatever, from you. Glad you are okay…I was getting really worried! God bless and get back to writing!

  43. Sharon Christopher says:

    Sigh….rereading the 9 kingdoms…was looking for the
    next on Acair…part of my usual summer reading and staying out of the 110 degree heat index. Glad you are doing well but I am anxiously awaiting your next edition….

  44. colleen phillips says:

    glad to hear that you are doing well. when may we expect some more dePaiget and Mccleod stories. would love to see robin at artane go to the future and Nicholas also. thank you

  45. Meg says:

    So happy that I stumbled onto this update from you! I adore the world that you have created. Thank you for the Nine Kingdom series. They have really helped me escape in the midst of life’s ups and downs. Take care!

  46. Christine Wilson says:

    We know you’ll get to your stories when you’re ready, and SO appreciate your phenomenal talent. Know that you have lots of support and well wishers as you ride the not always pleasant rollercoaster that is life! I’ll take just a minute to thank you again for sharing your incredible stories with us and for keeping them intriguing, often times humorous, heartfelt, magical, sometimes edgy, but always wholesome! You’re the absolute best author I’ve ever had the privilege to read. Your stories uplift, entertain, and help me through my own rollercoaster days. Blessings to you!

  47. JSR says:

    So happy for you — and for us, your readers — that you are happily installed in a new home and eager to work Changes always inspire new adventures; hopefully this change will do so for you.

    Like many of the loyal readers who have chimed in here, I would love to read more about the dePiaget family. Any chance you might revisit Miles’s story, or take on that of Mary and Etienne? Or the children of Nick, Amanda, or the rest of the crew? Would love to read any of the above…

    Best to you always.

  48. Donna H says:

    Lynn, I am so glad to hear that things are looking up for you. Had Dante foreseen U-Hauls, driving one cross-country would surely have been the 10th Circle. You are a woman of many strengths. I am so fortunate to have discovered your writing; I love how you share those strengths through your characters. I’m really looking forward to your next book!

  49. Gail Langseth says:

    Hey, welcome to the PNW!! Best place ever to live. I just love your stories. I think it’s time to re-read them. Good luck with your future writing. I look forward to reading it!

  50. Pam says:

    I can hardly wait for your next installment in Acair’s story. Having already re-read the Nine Kingdoms series several times and listened to the audiobooks for the first three, I’d love to hear someone like James Marsters (who reads Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files books with great skill ) bring Acair’s story to life by reading it. I don’t know if you can afford him, but Marsters does a fantastic job creating different voices for each character.

  51. Robynn Wren says:

    I just reread the Nine Kingdoms series and am eager for the 12th book. Acair is my favorite character by far. The scenes where Léirsinn begs Soilléir to change her and then Acair’s reaction to it all sucked me into the story so thoroughly that I forgot where I was. Well done. I truly can’t wait to see how it all finishes. Is there a general time frame for the release of the next book?

  52. Holly Akin says:

    So happy to hear you are well and have found a new corner to call home. I cannot wait until I’m all unpacked and settled again so I can start rereading the Nine Kingdom series :) I love your stories, all of them and am eagerly awaiting the next adventures.

  53. Alanna McMeans says:

    The PNW is indeed beautiful and life sure does throw us some curveballs. So glad you’re alright and getting back in the swing!

  54. Carol Wilson says:

    Will there be continuing novels from Artane and Jamie? I love these stories; you cry, laugh, and smile . I love these books so much.

  55. Marion Scott says:

    Love your books. I wonder what happened to Jason and Lianna of Grasleigh? What happened to their children and their decentants? Also..the 3 ghosts…a historical not time travel..how Fulbert ended up with Ambrose’s sister.

    • LynnK says:

      I’d like to know, too! I think I might have to do some little catch up novellas here and there. Great character suggestions, will put on list!

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