The Nine Kingdoms Series

Star of the Morning Book 1

The Mage’s Daughter Book 2

The Princess of the Sword Book 3

A Tapestry of Spells Book 4

Spellweaver Book 5

Gift of Magic Book 6

Dreamspinner Book 7

River of Dreams Book 8

Dreamer's Daughter Book 9

The White Spell Book 10

The Dreamer's Song Book 11

The Prince of Souls Book 12
The de Piaget Family Series

The Christmas Cat "The Gift of Christmas Past"

A Knight's Vow "The Traveller"
The MacLeod Family Series

Christmas Spirits "The Three Wise Ghosts"

Veils of Time "And The Groom Wore Tulle"

Opposites Attract "The Icing on the Cake"

Tapestry Anthology "To Kiss In The Shadows"
Anthologies & Collections

The Christmas Cat "The Gift of Christmas Past"

Christmas Spirits "The Three Wise Ghosts"

Veils of Time "And The Groom Wore Tulle"

Opposites Attract "The Icing on the Cake"

A Knight's Vow "The Traveller"

Tapestry Anthology "To Kiss In The Shadows"

To Weave A Web of Magic "The Tale of the Two Swords"

The Queen in Winter "A Whisper of Spring"

A Time for Love Novella Collection

Love Came Just In Time Novella Collection